Friday, 2 April 2021

Apparent Quiet - Not really so....

Automata Arts has been busy - as we look for funding to move the production into the digital realm.

We were thrilled to be given "Recommended" status by The Canada Council for the Arts, for a grant proposal in 2020.  However we didn't rank highly enough at the final stage, and so missed out on that one.

Shortly after hearing that news CCFA published the call for Digital Now granting.  Wendy and I have put together another application, as this grant seems like a great match for what we are planning.... we are looking forward to results in July.

Happily we can collaborate with videographer/editor and actor/movement artists, to create the footage making it an intimate performance to view on all platforms.  We will be using every means we can think of to make our product discoverable online working with marketing specialists and influencers.

We can't wait to get back to working on EMP, but meanwhile we work on our other visual art and puppet projects.  And continue looking for funding opportunities for EMP.

Keep dropping by to see our progress.

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