Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Genus not Species February 2016

It was around February that we broached the subject of evolutionary lineages!  

There is a timeline running through the show.
The animal characters each sit in their own space along that timeline.
As story progresses, we see our human characters use, abuse, eat, worship, work with, and are entertained by creatures from just one biological group...  We were observing a change in biology with time... an evolution.
It had become obvious that the creatures we were working with were numerous species and subspecies from one branch of the evolutionary tree.  They all could be seen as belonging in one Genus. What we needed to do as evolutionary biologists was elevate the group to the Genus level.  

Genus 394Wz.

And so the name of our show also changed to Evolution of Moral Progress - Genus 394Wz.

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